
The Official Blog of Acuity Knowledge Partners

Driving the success of compliance functions: Acuity’s customised solution

Published on April 24, 2024 by Suresh Chavali

In the fast-paced and highly regulated world of finance, compliance is not just a necessity; it is a critical component for maintaining trust, integrity and stability in the sector. Acuity Knowledge Partners (Acuity) offers innovative compliance solutions to drive efficiency and excellence for financial institutions.

Efficiency unleashed: Acuity's core advantage

We are committed to revolutionising compliance processes to unlock new levels of efficiency and effectiveness. Our comprehensive suite of services covers a wide range of compliance activities, ensuring that our clients can meet their compliance obligations with ease while maximising productivity and minimising risk. We list below some of our key services:

  • Guideline coding and reviews: Translating investment guidelines into actionable rules for monitoring

  • Pre- and post-trade monitoring: Monitoring trades to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements

  • Trade surveillance: Detecting and preventing market abuse and insider trading

  • Client reporting: Generating customised reports for clients to demonstrate compliance

  • Marketing material compliance: Ensuring marketing material complies with regulatory standards

  • Electronic communication compliance: Monitoring electronic communications to prevent unauthorised activity

  • Code of ethics monitoring: Monitoring employee activities to prevent conflicts of interest

  • Personal trade monitoring: Monitoring employees' personal trades to prevent insider trading

  • Forensic compliance: Investigating compliance breaches and implementing corrective measures

  • Enhanced due diligence reviews: Conducting thorough reviews of clients and counterparties to identify potential risks

  • Transaction monitoring: Monitoring financial transactions for suspicious activity

  • New client onboarding and periodic reviews: Onboarding new clients and conducting regular reviews to ensure ongoing compliance

  • Remedying deficiencies in the know your customer (KYC) process

Tailored solutions: Meeting every client's needs

We understand that every client is unique, with specific challenges and objectives. Therefore, we take a personalised approach to compliance, working closely with our clients to understand their individual needs and requirements. Through collaborative sessions and in-depth consultations, we develop tailored solutions that address their pain points and drive tangible results. 

Global reach, local expertise: Always available, anywhere

With a global presence – in India, China, Sri Lanka and Costa Rica – we provide round-the-clock support to clients around the world. Our diverse team of experts combines local insights with global best practices, ensuring that assistance is readily available whenever and wherever needed. Whether deploying personnel on-site at client offices or offering remote support, we are committed to delivering excellence wherever our clients operate.

Scalability: Adapting to your needs

One of the key advantages of working with Acuity is our ability to scale our solutions to meet the evolving needs of our clients. Whether faced with surges in volume, changes in regulatory requirements or shifts in market conditions, our dedicated teams work tirelessly to ensure that our clients' compliance needs are met effectively and efficiently. By providing flexible and scalable solutions, we empower our clients to navigate the complexities of compliance with confidence and ease.

Mastering the tools of the trade: Staying ahead in compliance tech

In today's rapidly evolving regulatory landscape, staying ahead of the curve is essential. We are, therefore, committed to mastering the latest compliance technologies and tools. Our team of professionals is equipped with the expertise and knowledge needed to leverage these tools effectively, driving efficiency and accuracy in compliance processes. Whether implementing cutting-edge software solutions, harnessing the power of data analytics or staying abreast of emerging trends, we are dedicated to providing our clients with best-in-class compliance solutions.

Redefining compliance, one client at a time

We are proud to be at the forefront of the transformation of compliance, from just a regulatory requirement to a strategic imperative for financial institutions, redefining it through our commitment to efficiency, innovation and excellence. Providing tailored solutions, global support, scalability and expertise in compliance technology, we empower our clients to navigate the complexities of regulation with confidence and clarity.

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About the Author

Suresh Chavali has over 11 years of experience in compliance, having worked for various firms including Barclays and Deutsche Bank. His expertise spans across the risk and compliance sector, focusing on know your customer (KYC) and risk management. At Acuity Knowledge Partners he is responsible for Pre-sales and Product Management support to Compliance Services. Suresh has done his engineering from JNTU Hyderabad.

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