Data operations and portfolio management support to global fund of funds client

  • Faster turnaround, with improved efficiency

  • Cost optimisation and revenue maximisation

  • Increased bandwidth for core function

  • The client was facing bandwidth constraints in information upkeep and updating 30,000+ holdings of ca 5,000 funds
  • Key challenges were:
    • The client had adopted manual processes for the maintenance of fund data and other relevant records in its reservoir
    • As a result, not only data processing was slow but also quality gaps emerged at the portfolio level in the final output
    • To and fro checking of information to identify quality gaps increased not only the churn time but also the cost
    • Given higher resource utilisation and increased time on data management, the team faced cost pressure from CFO
  • As the client had a humungous data library, Acuity Knowledge Partners (Acuity) suggested the adoption of cloud computing and iLevel
  • Acuity deployed a team of analysts to execute data migration to iLevel, guided by a team of transformation managers to set up and lead the data-ops process
  • For efficient process execution, the team developed a data extraction application to enable quick data processing
  • To ensure top-notch quality is delivered to the client, the team adopted a 3-tier quality review process across the entire data journey
  • Not only did the team contribute towards data enhancement, but also back-filled historical data and made adjustments as per client requirements


  • The client not only saved time from a fast turnaround in data maintenance, but also benefited from higher accuracy of input data
  • Given the adoption of semi-automated tools by the team and availability of data-ops analysts at a reasonable cost, the client was able to save to the tune of USD3.0m annually
  • The availability of increased bandwidth and reduced data processing time enabled the client to devote more time to other core data-monetisation activities
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