Market entry assessment for a leading remittance and payments services provider

  • Helped the client expand service offerings and geographical reach

  • Helped identify KPIs and success factors to act as inputs for strategy formulation

  • Provided real-time contribution and worked in close coordination with the client’s team to support business growth

  • Helped in identifying and evaluating strategic targets across geographies and markets

  • A remittance and payments provider wanted support to expand its products and services portfolio in emerging markets
  • Acuity Knowledge Partners’ (Acuity) three-member FTE team supported the client’s corporate strategy team based in the Middle East. Acuity supported the client on the following:
  • Macroeconomic profiling
    • Detailed macroeconomic profiling, including demographic dynamics affecting market potential
    • Evaluating the ease of market entry – statutory provisions regulating the business environment in the country
  • Competitor analysis
    • Key competitors, relative assessment, market shares and key initiatives
    • Performance benchmarking
  • Market study
    • Remittance market overview – detailed assessment of inflows and outflows, market size and growth potential
    • Brief analysis of the travel and tourism market – understand the scope and growth potential of the retail currency exchange business
  • Technology and financial infrastructure profiling
    • Technology and network infrastructure maturity – understand readiness for adoption of digital products
    • Financial inclusion profile of residents – reflecting untapped market opportunities


  • Acuity supported the client in expanding its international remittances and payments offerings into new markets
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