Loan underwriting and financial modelling support for a global investment management firm

  • Ensured annual cost savings of USD250k

  • Freed up more than 50% of clients’ bandwidth

  • Delivered 100% accuracy with par level TAT

  • Facilitated timely and bona fide investment decisions

  • A lack of focus on other critical/high-value-driven tasks, as a significant portion of the client’s time and resources were allocated to laborious research and modelling activities
  • Bandwidth constraint to meet aggressive deal-sourcing/closing targets
  • Retain onshore talent and maintain a high-cost function
  • Acuity Knowledge Partners (Acuity) set up a dedicated offshore team for the client’s Real Estate Credit team
    • The Acuity team did all the heavy lifting and took end-to-end ownership of the analysis process (at pre-closing and closing stages), which included
    • In-depth screening and analysis of loan covenants, financial modelling and cash flow projections
    • Detailed lease and rent-roll reviews
    • Financial statement analysis and future cash flow prognosis
    • Economic research and micro and macro market overview using proprietary and public databases
    • Portfolio monitoring and management through Rockport
  • Acuity leveraged its underwriting and valuation capabilities, along with hands-on experience on various RE-specific databases, to support the client on quick-turnaround projects


  • Acuity’s team created an integrated structure with maximum visibility for the onshore team and delivered over 500 deals (live deals) across various portfolios
  • Acuity’s partnership resulted in annual savings of more than USD250k in costs and freed up more than 50% of the client’s bandwidth
  • Acuity leveraged its domain expertise to expand its service offerings to the client
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What we have done

Investment feasibility support to a US-based investment management client
What we are proud of


Achieved over increase in the number of deal assessments

Ensured better assessment in live deals