
We do not charge/accept a fee from job seekers or offer payment in lieu of participation in paid activities on social media. Please exercise caution and diligence when applying for jobs online.

It has been brought to our attention that certain individuals/agencies claiming to be from Acuity Knowledge Partners are collecting money by making fake job offers to prospective candidates and directing them to participate in paid activities on social media. We wish to clarify that Acuity Knowledge Partners has not partnered with any individual/agency to carry out such activities. We have filed a complaint with the relevant authorities and sought appropriate action.

Acuity Knowledge Partners does not charge/accept a fee or security deposit from job seekers. We advise all potential candidates to exercise caution and diligence when applying for jobs online.

  • Acuity Knowledge Partners never solicits fees for any purpose during or after the hiring process.

  • Acuity Knowledge Partners will never request money for the opportunity to apply to work at/work at/conduct any activity on behalf of Acuity Knowledge Partners.

  • The hiring process involves at least one interview (virtual or in-person). Acuity Knowledge Partners will not request an interview on an instant messaging platform.

  • Acuity Knowledge Partners’ Recruitment Team does not request or require personal documents such as bank account details, tax forms or credit card information during the recruitment process.

If you are in doubt or are unsure about the source of the job offer, please log in to the Career section on the Acuity Knowledge Partners website to verify the job offer and access the application form.