Risk identification and assessment

  • Analysed healthcare sector to generate key insights related to client’s positioning to face current and future challenges

  • Advised client on investment attractiveness and identified gaps through multilayer risk assessment

  • Understand risks and other factors associated with the pharma biotech value chain to determine investment opportunity in the Middle East and Africa (MEA)
  • Strategy research
    Detailed profiling of risk parameters in MEA for a global pharma major to assess feasibility of investment
  • Risk assessment
    Risk outlook and rating through multilayer assessment and establishing a comparison matrix with a detailed scoring model and weights for each sub-parameter
  • Valuation analysis
    Life sciences and healthcare (LSHC) market overview: Market size, growth rate, segmentation, drivers, trends, challenges, service offerings and growth strategy
  • Risk characterisation: Identifying potential KRIs and bucketing them within a political, social, economic, technological, legal and environmental framework
  • Assessment of KRIs: Assessing KRIs and scoring based on likelihood, impact on pharma value chain and severity
  • Comparative analysis: Comparative analysis of individual risks and ranking them in line with the matrix along with key insights


  • Helped the client understand key risks and other factors associated with the subsectors of the LSHC sector through multilayer risk assessment
  • Identified and shortlisted relevant risks aligned with the client’s business and developed a risk assessment model
  • Prepared detailed profiles of key risk parameters with a focus on business offering to understand the client’s position in the market
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