Procurement support to enter Nigeria

  • Evaluated ease of market entry to Nigeria amid the business environment there

  • Formulated strategy and decisions relating to local manufacturing versus importing raw material

  • Assessed opportunity relating to raw material sourcing based on current trends and challenges

  • Identified partners/acquisition targets in Nigeria’s packaging sector

  • Launch selected products in Nigeria’s skincare and OTC segments The objective was to understand
  • Macro, political/regulatory and other domestic factors impacting sourcing decisions in the country
  • Manufacturing footprint and capabilities of FMCG MNCs and major local players operating in Nigeria
  • Sourcing dynamics of finished goods and raw materials in the non-food FMCG domain
  • Macroeconomic and business environment profiling
    • Macroeconomic- and business environment-related challenges in Nigeria
    • Regulations and policies governing raw materials and finished goods imports
    • Public initiatives in tackling infrastructure-related challenges
  • Competitive mapping – product and manufacturing footprint
    • Product and manufacturing footprint maps of domestic players and MNCs operating in Nigeria
    • Sourcing strategy of players – inputs and finished products – local production vs imports
  • Procurement trends and challenges
    • Raw material production and sourcing overview
    • Raw material import trends and key Nigerian distributors
    • Key issues/challenges in sourcing
  • Consumer products packaging market overview
    • Packaging market characteristics and its impact on the FMCG sector
    • Identifying key players in the packaging sector


  • Manufacturing facilities of key players, degree of imports (finished goods and raw materials) across categories
  • Impact of import restrictions (due to currency devaluation) and other domestic factors
  • How companies deal with sourcing challenges
  • Key distributors of raw materials
  • Critical success factors for procurement of FMCG players operating in Nigeria
  • The approach to reducing costs by up to 15% for sourcing raw materials
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