LCs examined Trade finance support to a US-based Bank

  • 40% reduction in cost

  • 100% adherence to ICC rules

  • 20% improvement in turnaround time

  • Capacity constraints prevented handling spikes in work volumes as a result of fewer trade finance firms in the market
  • Brain drain, as experienced document checkers retired
  • Non-standard process maps with inconsistent inherent process risk and control metrics
  • Knowledge-retention issues, resulting in investing in repeated training sessions
  • Difficulty in hiring experienced, CDCS-certified resources
  • Reviewed LC document credit check process maps to understand hand-off process and associated risks
  • Deployed a pyramid-based offshore team of SMEs, based on the complexity of work, to design end-to-end process
  • Created standard operating procedures for LC document examination process
  • Created a standardised discrepancy document, segregating errors into grid, LC requirements and data inconsistencies
  • Initiated support for import document checking for EMEA and APAC


  • 100% adherence to ICC rules (UCP 600, ISBP and Incoterms 2020)
  • 40% reduction in cost by improving efficiencies and quality
  • 20% improvement in turnaround time, in line with new SLA, completing all transactions within the day, vs turnaround time of T+1 in the previous SLA
  • Operational risk management with four-eye quality control mechanism for 100% of transactions
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What we have done

Letters of Credit document checking support for a top Dutch bank
What we are proud of


reduction in cost


improvement in turnaround time for SLAs

Streamlining trade operations for US based multinational conglomerate
What we are proud of


Improvement in trade documents management


Reduction of discrepant documents on 1st presentation under export LCs

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