Quantitative Data Collection Services & Analytics Support for a Global Top 10 Hedge Fund

  • $1.2m

    in annualized savings

  • 18,000

    hours of data management

  • 9 FTEs

    vs. 4 initially

  • 20%

    YOY Process efficiency

  • The client’s research data group required an integrated data management process to source, validate and compile raw data for the research team
  • Raw data included macroeconomic data, market data, company fundamentals, M&A, trade data,ownership/ holdings, commodities,fixed income, reference data and derivatives, among others
  • Client’s existing processes created databases in siloes and without interlinkages
  • As a result, extracting, validating and compiling data for research and production was time-consuming and expensive
  • Assembled a team of domain experts,database architects, application programmers, process managers, and data analysts
  • Used common data model and data adapters to integrate data from different sources which resulted in robust quantitative data collection services coupled with customized master data mapping
  • Worked with clients to define business rules for Quantitative data collection services and data monitoring, validation and capture
  • Worked on a workflow management system that segregated automated and manual components of the data management processAssembled a team of domain experts,database architects, application programmers, process managers, and data analysts


  • Handled more than 18,000 hours of data management time
  • Released bandwidth for the client team to focus on investment decisions through the use of complex quantitative methods
  • Helped the client standardize the raw data management process
  • Acuity’s quantitative data collection services and data analytics support resulted in savings of 1.2 MM in costs
  • Improved process efficiency (20% YOY)
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